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3 Tips for Flying First Class

  November 29

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is travel insurance really necessaryNormally I wouldn’t write about flying first class on a budget blog, but you’d be surprised at how affordable it can be. Lots of personal finance bloggers use credit card points to buy plane tickets, and I’ve scored a few deals just by asking for them.

The first time I flew first class was pure luck. There was a problem with our itinerary that was changed at the last minute, and so I decided to ask for an upgrade to make up for the inconvenience…

Tip #1: Highlight an Issue

Maybe an airline wronged you in some way. It’s okay to inquire about it! Plus, it helps to have a reason as to why you’ve recently decided to upgrade your tickets. It helps if you’ve flown with that airline almost exclusively, because you can mention that when you ask for your upgrade.

Tip #2: Churn Credit Cards

Using credit cards just to get miles (and paying it off at the end of each month) is a great way to score some extra points. Every time I want to buy something, whether it’s a pack of gum or a new computer, I use my airline credit card. The miles build up fast!

Tip #3: Just Ask Outright

Sometimes, there’s a bit of space in first class so the hubs has asked for upgrades outright. Sometimes they see he is a frequent flier and just upgrade him on the spot. Other times, it’s a nominal fee that’s well worth it on an international flight. So my last tip is just to ask! 😀

Oh, and if you are worried about getting first class tickets only to have your plans ruined for whatever reason, you could consider travel insurance (my readers abroad can check out Southern Cross.)

So, have you ever flown first class? Did you just buy the ticket, get it as a gift, or score a sweet upgrade?

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3 responses to “3 Tips for Flying First Class

  1. Great tips! I’m definitely one of those who fit into category #2 — I’ve easily earned $15,000 worth of free travel over the past 2-3 years just by opening a few targeted credit cards.

    If anyone is interested, I offer a ‘free travel rewards coaching’ service to work one-on-one with people to teach them about credit card rewards and actually plan out and book their travel. It’s a lot of fun for me to work with people and they get a few thousand dollars off their next trip just for opening up a few specific credit cards!

  2. The benefits on airline cards are amazing! I usually fly Coach on JetBlue, but with the TV’s and extra legroom, I’m always comfortable– and it’s still affordable! Never had an issue with them before.

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