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Bon Voyage Hubby!

  January 10

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Today is a big day for my hubs, since he’s off to start his MPH/MD program. He’ll be gone for three months and needed a ton of new school supplies, kitchen supplies, etc. Our house last night was a bit of a mess, but we managed to get everything packed up!
Want to check out the damage?

Even Julep wishes she could go too! (I know the feeling!)
I’m totally going to miss my other half like crazy! Thank goodness I have a full time job, school work, dance class, my blog, my friends, and all my crafts to keep me nice and busy! And, thanks to my hubby who takes such good care of me, I have a car with newly changed oil, a house with newly changed air filters, and no trash bags to take out (yet!) My sweet chef even made me a big breakfast:
Yep, definitely going to miss him like crazy! Keep your fingers crossed he makes it to his destination safe and sound!

4 responses to “Bon Voyage Hubby!

  1. I cant even imagine how it is going to be for you but us bloggers have to stick together! I can’t wait to keep reading. Good luck with everything! Please keep us posted!


  2. Awww! I’ll be thinking about you. P.S. I had no idea you were a dancer. You’ll have to tell me more about that. Kepping blogging. That will keep you sane

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