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  May 11

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….but not gone just yet. I tell ya, major life changes are good, but having a bunch of them hit at once in the span of 3 weeks is a little – how shall we say – crazy
Let’s recap: In the past three weeks, my full time job ended, I finished all the requirements for my master’s degree, we had a garage sale, we sold 90% of our furniture on Craigslist, and just this morning I brought hubs to the airport for his trip back to school in Grenada. In about an hour, I return to the airport to pick up my lovely mom who will be helping me pack trying to get me not to freak out. We need to be totally moved out of my townhouse in 2.5 days. Then, my graduation is on Saturday, and afterward we start the drive back to Louisiana where I am from. Sheesh, did you get all that?
Somehow in the past three weeks, I also managed to be in a dance recital with this cast of characters:

We also drove to Williamsburg, Virginia as the last part of our “stay-cation” (which you can read about here and here) to visit my undergraduate alma mater William and Mary and hang out in Colonial Williamsburg:

I was able to get one last delicious taste of my favorite restaurant The Cheese Shop and of course, take a picture with one of my main guys, our 3rd president, T.J.

I also took a “I-conquered-this-bad-boy” picture in front of the hospital that I spent three years of my life researching and writing about for my degree:

And later on that day, I rustled up the fam to start a new tradition of taking a picture in front of each house we live in. We are expecting to move a few more times after Grenada depending on hubby’s clinical and residency placement, so they should be fun to put on a wall all in a row someday:
Understandably, I won’t be checking back in until Monday. Until then, wish me luck!

5 responses to “Going….Going….

  1. I am amazed that you are keeping it all together with that much going on!

  2. Moving and finishing school is so stressful! In April we had our wedding, I finished undergrad, I finished my part-time job, hung out with as many friends as possible, and moved from Chicago to D.C. so I totally understand what you’re going through. It sounds like you’re holding it together so far though. Good luck!!! =)

  3. Congrats on everything and beautiful family picture! I AM COMING TO VISIT YOU IN GRENADA :)!

  4. Good luck! That’s a lot of excitement. I didn’t know you went to W&M. I went there for law school. Loved W’burg.

  5. Congrats!!! Btw, what beautiful pictures!!!

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