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How Do You Get Yourself Out Of Limbo?

  March 11

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Grenada, West IndiesLately, I’ve been feeling like I’m in limbo.

I live in Grenada, but I know that in 9 months, we will be moving back to the States.

Every night, I look at jobs in New York (where the hubs’ will complete his last two years of medical school). I also look at apartments. Then I allow myself to crunch some numbers to figure out how we’re going to live there. It’s kind of a fun hobby, and on more than one occasion, I’ve had to screen shot an apartment just in case it’s available in a year. Some might say this borders on obsession.

I always have this dilemma, the desire to look forward and plan ahead while still really enjoying the here and now. I love my current job, and I love my sweet landlords. I love our community and the fact that we have handfuls of really fabulous friends who live within walking distance of us. I know we’ll never experience anything like this ever again, and yet I still can’t help myself from wondering what it will be like in just a few short months when we leave.

Still, this internal tug of war makes me feel a bit unsettled.

To make it worse, this past weekend was really difficult because two very sweet dogs that belong to my dear friends were poisoned. I’ve heard of this happening in Grenada, but I’ve never heard of it happening to a student. It’s devastating, and it hit way too close to home given that my dog loved their dogs and played with them pretty regularly. Now, I just really want to get my dog home safely.

Needless to say, this post isn’t nearly as chipper as they usually are, but it’s the real-deal-how-I-feel. How do you get yourself out of limbo? Or should I just enjoy the ride and quit looking ahead?


13 responses to “How Do You Get Yourself Out Of Limbo?

  1. I’m always looking ahead, and I think it’s generally a good thing. Life does pass you by quickly, though, if you are constantly looking ahead and do not live more “in the now.” I think you should try to enjoy the remaining time as much as you can, but it sounds like you are having fun looking ahead so I’d keep doing it if I were you. Sorry to hear about the dogs, were they from poisonous frogs? I know they have those in Hawaii.

  2. Oh I do that all the time. It’s like you know what the next step is, and you just want to hurry up and be there!
    Enjoy Grenada, but enjoy apartment surfing, too. Just don’t let virtual apartment hunting keep you from enjoying your time there with friends. =)

  3. You should try to enjoy the now. It is great to plan but in a year you’ll miss the beach, the sun, the community… enjoy while it lasts!

  4. Just read the story of Nyla, so incredible sad to read! I can understand you wanting to do whatever to keep your dog safe!!

    Considering it`s still 9 months left in Grenada, I´d reccommend you`d live life a bit, because if you use all of the remaining time there planning for NYC, I think you´re going to regret it. There´s still much life to be lived and experienced where you`re at now!

  5. My thoughts are to enjoy what you have now. You may never live there again. Although there are some negatives, it is a very good opportunity, as you know, to experience a different sort of life. Once you are in NY you will have so many stories to share with new friends, and also with your children and grand children one day too. So while it is nice to look ahead once in a while, don’t let the upcoming events override the time you two have to enjoy Island living.

    It is very unfortunate that your friend’s dogs were killed. That makes me very sad. But the truth is that could easily happen anywhere in the world. In our city on Saturday a woman was out for a walk with her small dog and her baby in the stroller. A man was walking 2 large dogs on the same street. The big dogs got loose from their collars and they attacked and ate the little dog in broad daylight. Dreadful. I feel very sorry for all of them, but I remind myself that it happens everywhere, unfortunately.

  6. Wow that is horrible about the dogs…

    I know what you mean about in limbo. Ever since we knew we were going to buy a new place, whether it be the condo or house, we have been thinking about how everything will change and not paying as much attention to the daily things we used to. Definitely enjoy Grenada while you can bit you can still search for apartments at night!

  7. Please enjoy NOW. This is the adventure of the moment. Planning is OK
    but you will never have the opportunity of living in Grenada again. Life gets
    complicated very quickly so enjoy a bit of the slow life as much as you can now.

  8. Just stopped by your friend’s blog and it made me an emotional mess. I can’t even imagine losing our boo boo.

    As for New York and limbo, I’d feel the same way. The unknown (or partially known) can be really scary. The good news is you have your husband and you guys will meet new friends quickly. There are so many young people here it’s easy to make connections with co-workers and colleagues. Where in NY are you looking?

  9. Wow, so sorry to hear about your friends dogs. I never understand why someone would do something like that to animals.

    Anyway, I say enjoy the now especially knowing that you only have nine months left to go. I know it can be difficult to do when you want to plan ahead, but you want to be able to remember all the fun things you were able to do and have great memories to cherish.

  10. I’m so sorry to hear what happened to those dogs. Why is that common there? I would be totally like you in starting to research apartments and what living there would be like, especially because it’s so different from where you are now. Sounds like you are almost trying to make the transition slowly so it’s not such a shock.

  11. I don’t have any advice on dealing with that feeling, just wanted to comment and say that I have felt the same way lately. I’ve completely stopped even attempting to build myself a life in this city that I’ve moved to and have instead shifted focus into moving back up north. At least I’m not alone.

  12. As much as I love it here – even after everything – I still sometimes find myself looking at dream jobs online, and often not even at places we’ll even be within the next five years. I can’t help it; whenever I’m on the website of a company I like, I have to check out the “careers” section. In fact, this evening I found my ideal job in Seattle at Brooks Running. My resume lines up perfectly with it, and it is everything I’ve ever wanted to do. At least you’re looking in your next logical location!

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