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How to Spend $50 a Week on Groceries

  January 16

If you want to learn how to spend $50 a week on groceries, you should first know that if I can do it, you can do it! If you look at any of my previous budgets, you’ll notice the hubs and I spent a ridiculous amount of money on food last year. $700… $600….plus eating out … Continued

We Actually Did It: Our Very Minimalist Christmas

  December 24

For weeks, I’ve been talking about battling materialism and consumerism for our children’s first Christmas. I’ve written about my plan to give them very few Christmas gifts and go as minimalist as possible. I’ve written about this plan across multiple sites on purpose so I would actually do it. We went back and forth on … Continued

How To Use Cloth Diapers

  August 18

Some of you said I was crazy. My Dad said I wouldn’t last a week. There have been times I couldn’t stand the sight of one more diaper, but ultimately I learned how to use cloth diapers very quickly, and they’ve been a life saver in so many ways. Over the past few months, I’ve … Continued

The Twins are 3 Weeks Old + A Writing Wrap Up

  April 12

My twins are almost 3 weeks old, and since I haven’t really written an update about them since I wrote their birth story, I thought I’d do a quick post to tell you about the past few weeks. The babies spent a little over two weeks in the NICU. It will probably go down as … Continued

My Twin Birth Story

  March 30

  Thank you so much for coming to read my twin birth story. I wrote this post when my twins were only one week old. I found so much comfort reading twin birth stories when I was pregnant and nervous, so I wanted to share mine. I’ve updated this post with new information, namely a … Continued

The Joys of Organizing My Stuff to Save Money

  February 3

If you had a chance to read the Day In The Life post that I wrote recently, I mentioned that I am currently sorting through a massive pile of stuff, stuff that has been sitting in my in laws house for three years, stuff on top of stuff, and stuff I didn’t know I had … Continued

A Day In The Life: Self Employment Version

  January 29

Sometimes I’m nosy and like to know what other people do during an average day. Come on nowwww. I can’t be the only one. 😉 So hey, why not check out average day in mine? This is actually the 4th time I’ve written a post like this! If you are a blogger, I totally encourage … Continued

Our Only Goal for 2014

  January 21

Last year, I had all sorts of financial resolutions, but this year I only have one. Before I tell you my one and only goal for 2014, here’s a quick recap of what I wanted to do in 2013 and whether or not I accomplished the goal: 1. Significantly Reduce Our Dependence on Student Loans … Continued

The Truth About Self Employment: My Transition

  January 15

A lot of you have asked about my transition to self-employment, and I’ve been really excited to share all the deets with you! I’ve been working 100% for myself for 15 whole days now, and it’s definitely been an interesting journey so far. Like any other post, I’m going to be 100% honest and tell … Continued

I Loved Having a Vacation Budget

  January 9

Hey blog peeps!! I have so many fun updates to share with you over the next few days. It’s been a whirlwind past few weeks with the holidays and getting the hubs home from Grenada and then traveling to San Antonio for a week long vacation. Oh, and hey – I’m a full time blogger … Continued
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