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I Hope My Kids Never Make These 3 Financial Mistakes

  October 5

My sweet little beans are napping right now as I write this, and I’ve been thinking so much about them and the importance of teaching them about money lately. Like, I’m just so gung ho intense about making sure these kids are extremely financially savvy. I do not want them to make some of the … Continued

Why We Decided to Tell our Kids How Much We Earn

  June 12

The following is a guest post from a friend of mine, blogger and freelance writer, Kristi Muse. Take it away Kristi! As a child, I never knew how much my parents earned. I was 100% in the dark financially. I was 10 years old before I understood that water was not, in fact, a free amenity. … Continued

What Should You Do with Your Kids’ Gift Money?

  April 7

Please welcome my friend Matt Becker, founder of Mom and Dad Money, who is dedicated to helping new parents build happy families by making money simple. My wife and I are incredibly lucky to have two awesome sons. Our oldest just turned 2 and our youngest is now 3 months old. Both of those numbers … Continued

The Evolution of Parenting: Are We Pressing Our Kids Too Far?

  April 2

Please welcome Brian from Luke1428! He’s one of my favorite writers on the Interwebs, and I know you’ll enjoy this one! Wouldn’t it be great if children were born with a manual? Doctor hands the blanketed newborn to the mother along with a 3-volume set entitled “Parenting 101: Everything You’ll Need to Know About Raising … Continued

A Baby Daddy’s View on Fatherhood and Money

  March 31

Happy Monday, everyone! I’m so excited that my friend Grayson from DebtRoundup and SproutWealth is stopping in today to share all his knowledge on being a financially savvy baby daddy. I know you’ll enjoy this one! Thanks, Grayson! It has been a little over a year since I became a baby daddy. My son was … Continued

One Mom’s Tips to Financially Prepare for a Baby

  October 24

By the time you read this, I will be on a plane heading back to the States for good. The 2+ years that I spent living in the Caribbean are now over. I’m sad. So sad. Yet, at the same time, I knew this journey had to come to an end. That was the deal … Continued
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