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This Is What Happened When I Spent $1,500 on Food

  March 7

Over the past few years, I’ve tried many different ways to reduce my grocery bills. There were times in my life, even recently, where I would try to spend only $250.00 a month on groceries. I wrote posts on how to spend $50 a week on groceries. It was hard, but at that time, I was trying to … Continued

The 3 Incredible Benefits of Freezer Cooking

  July 22

Today I have a guest post for you from one of my coaching students, Abby. Enjoy! If you’re like me, 5 p.m. is the time of day when things start to get a bit frenzied. As someone who works from home, I know I should at least start dinner around then if I want a … Continued

How to Spend $50 a Week on Groceries

  January 16

If you want to learn how to spend $50 a week on groceries, you should first know that if I can do it, you can do it! If you look at any of my previous budgets, you’ll notice the hubs and I spent a ridiculous amount of money on food last year. $700… $600….plus eating out … Continued
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