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This Is {Wherever} Wednesday Linky Party

  August 17

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There is a saying down here that goes a little something like this: “T.I.G.”

It stands for “This is Grenada.”

It’s used in moments where you just kinda shake your head at the things going on around you, like someone climbing up a coconut tree or when something takes exceedingly longer than it should.

I think all cities or towns have a “T.I.{insert your town}” moments. To me, this phrase can be used for things that are pretty hilarious, like how my dad’s friend up the street always drives his riding lawnmower to our house instead of his car {This.Is.Louisiana.} I also think it can be used to notice some good around us.

So, the past week I’ve been thinking about some “T.I.G.” moments, and I think it’s a good way to remember my time here. I also think it’s important to encourage others to look for these moments no matter where you live, so I’ve started a linky party.

I challenge you to open your eyes and notice the good, bad, the stupid, and the funny in your area in hopes that writing them down makes you appreciate them, laugh out loud, or realize they really weren’t that big of a deal to begin with. Sometimes just shaking your head or having a good laugh can make a day worthwhile.

Here are mine for this week:

My landlords made this really elaborate local dinner and brought us our own plate so we could try it. T.I.G.

I had an hour conversation with a couple on the beach who lived in a sailboat. T.I.G.

Julep played with two dogs on the beach and they followed us all the way home. T.I.G.

I took the bus to get to the grocery store and it went to hubs’ university instead. And then I took the same bus the next day to get to the university but it went to the grocery store. T.I.G.

My friend Kelsey came over, and I commented on how pretty her hair was down. She told me she was just air drying it on the walk to my house. T.I.G. 😉

I found a big chunk of pottery in the sand. T.I.G.

It took me 8 hours to do three loads of laundry. T.I.G.

I saw a beautiful, full, humongous rainbow on my bus ride home the other day. T.I.G.

My friend’s apartment complex uses conch shells as door stoppers. T.I.G.

I am happy here. T.I.G.


5 responses to “This Is {Wherever} Wednesday Linky Party

  1. The friend who travels to our house via lawnmower is on his way to cut grass for the widow of his good friend. All his friends make sure she is taken care of in lots of little ways. This.Is.Louisiana.

  2. My favourite is the bus story. Too funny! I guess you really just have to shrug and let life happen to you!

  3. Hello, I love the lawnmower story it is something I could see my husband doing. The bus was funny as well. Thanks for this cute Linky and I will be back. I have one as well I hope you will visit it.

  4. Great post! In Hawaii, we say, “Only in Hilo [or insert other town name].” So true!

    Goat riding in the back of a car. Only in Hilo!

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